Saturday, December 11, 2010


Like many i was born with Eczema.
What is Eczema??-Eczema is a skin disorder/disease. Eczema includes dry skin, skin rashes or Redness of the skin. As well as these symptoms-persisting redness, swelling of the skin, itching and dryness, crusting, flaking skin, blistering, cracking, oozing or bleeding.
Eczema is one of the diseases that doctors haven't found a cure that definitely works.
I have tried coconut oil (i see some sign of my eczema getting better, but i don't put it on much because it makes my face ORANGE!!), I have tried petroleum jelly (it works pretty good but takes a long time!), I have tried just washing it and letting it go (but you shouldn't do that. Keep the eczema moist). Right now i am putting Vaseline Lip Therapy, from walmart. But all it is really is white petroleum jelly. I have seen a sign of it healing but i put it on everyday and i haven't been able to go 1 day with out stuff on.
When i don't have stuff on, it is red..then it gets dry, then it cracks. Then the eczema gets worse.
When i went to Italy i had no eczema, but then i started gym at school. I got all sweaty and started itching, i started to see eczema on my arms. I quickly got rid of it, but when we moved to north Carolina. It came back on my arms, then i got it on my hands again. And soon enough i had eczema on my face for the first time ever!!
That is why i said ^^above^^ (lip things). Because i have it on my face. It started out how it wasn't there all day, but in 6Th period/7Th the flakes came. It was like that for a couple days. So i tried putting Neosporin, but it didn't work. Then i tried the medicine i got from the hospital -
but it is too strong for my face and i did not see improvement.
After those there was petroleum jelly, really worked..but made my face red. People started noticing. Before i knew it people were talking about me and my eczema!! I was so embarrassed! I didn't know how to react. I didn't want anyone to judge me because of my eczema, i wanted everyone to know that i was just like them.
Then i put the Vaseline stuff on, i still do. I like putting it on my face, some times it wasn't even red!! But it is red most of the time, letting me know i still have eczema. I don't want to be reminded, i don't want anymore stress. Stress=itching, itching=scratching.
I started looking online at pictures of people having eczema, just like me. And i realised i only had a minor case of it. Realizing people would reject me more if i was like that, making me feel more sad for them instead of me. Me thinking of the other people who have it worse than me. I also started reading online of cures for eczema, i found many and tried many. But i like coconut oil the best..i used it once and went to school with it on. Then when i was leaving class to go to 2ND and 3rd period people started telling me my face was orange!! I'm like OMGGGG!!! After school was over i ran home, washing it off as soon as i got home. But i still put it on, when I'm not around other people. So i don't feel as embarrassed. Which leaves me with less stress.
But like other people i had started scratching myself at night, i couldn't take it. I'd wake up in the morning with blood all over, with scratch marks. So i put mitts on my hands, i could still scratch myself but the marks weren't as serious.
But i too still suffer with eczema on my arms, face, neck and hands. It is attacking my body, and i want it gone!! I had soon started thinking that if i take care of my body more my eczema would be gone!! I had read this on a website today-
It is a book review and tells about the book, but if you read on the woman is telling you what i am saying now.
My eczema is on and off all the time, i have beaten eczema before and i can do it again!! It came back because of my reckless actions. BUT THIS TIME I AM GOING TO BEAT IT FOR GOOD!!

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